AIIC Sign Language Network Coordinator, comes to an end

AIIC Sign Language Network Coordinator, comes to an end

After 6.5 years, I chaired my last meeting as AIIC Sign Language Network coordinator on January 15th. During these years I have learned so much from my AIIC colleagues about conference interpreting, policies, strategies, interpreting markets and international institutions. 

In the picture are some of the SLN members who attended my last meeting as coordinator. It has been an absolute joy to work closely together with so many sign and spoken language interpreter colleagues, and I want to thank each one of you. Through our joint work we have raised further awareness in and outside AIIC on sign language conference interpreting. 

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AIIC SLN & EMCI webinar

AIIC SLN & EMCI webinar

The AIIC Sign Language Network and the EMCI co-organized a webinar on sign language conference interpreting: professionalization and course design. Presentations were given by Naďa Hynková Dingová, Catherine Pearson, Jemina Napier, Christian Rathmann, Myriam Vermeerbergen, Nora Ungar. You can watch the webinar on the AIIC youtube channel in English, International Sign, Spanish or Portuguese. See here >

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Part II Training in Valencia

Part II Training in Valencia

On January 8 & 9 2018 Part II of the Training Interpreting from and to English as a 3rd language will take place in Valencia.

If you have successfully participated and completed part I you can now register for this follow up course. The training consists of in depth practice sessions to enhance your acquired skills to work between English and national sign language. Topics will include vocabulary building, use of synonyms, idioms and expressions, pronunciation, and correct phrasing. An increased emphasis will be on team and linguistic strategies to fine-tune the interpretation.

More information and registration

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WASLI 2015 conference proceedings are here! Excited to have contributed two articles

WASLI 2015 conference proceedings are here! Excited to have contributed two articles

Congratulations to WASLI and the editors Isabelle Heyerick & Suzanne Ehrlich for the newly published WASLI 2015 conference proceedings!

One article that I presented and co-authored with Irma Sluis, looks at International Sign interpreter preparations for high-level European assignments. The second article co-presented an co-authored with Elisabeth Tiselius explains what AIIC is and what it can do for sign language interpreters.

The proceedings can be purchased through the WASLI website!

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AIIC is welcoming more sign language interpreters!

AIIC is welcoming more sign language interpreters!

As of 1 April 2017 AIIC welcomes the 3rd sign language interpreter as AIIC member. In addition, there are 6 more sign language interpreters who joined AIIC as a pre-candidate. The AIIC Sign Language Network (AIIC SLN) is very happy to see more sign language interpreters join AIIC! Are you a sign language interpreter working at conferences? You can join AIIC too! Read here the detailed presentation on how to join.

Why you should join AIIC? Read here

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