AIIC Guidelines

The AIIC guidelines have been developed by the AIIC Sign Language Network in cooperation with the various AIIC bodies and committees.

AIIC Guidelines for positioning of sign language interpreters in conferences, including web-streaming
Proper spatial organization enhances communication when SLI is used in meetings. These simple steps will help you realize your goals. Read more >

AIIC Guidelines for spoken language interpreters working in mixed teams
Spoken language interpreters interpret between spoken languages. Sign language interpreters interpret between a spoken and a signed language. These guidelines cover mixed team situations. Read more >

AIIC Guidelines for sound engineers when SL and spoken conference interpreters work in the same team
These guidelines cover situations where spoken and sign language interpreters are working together in a mixed team. Read more >

AIIC guidelines on distance interpreting (1.0)
The document contains AIIC’s minimum standards and best practice recommendations applicable to working conditions for video remote conference interpreting in simultaneous mode, including for sign language interpreters. Read more >

EUD guidelines

Sign Language Interpreter Guidelines for international / European high level meetings
The European Union of the Deaf and the European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters (efsli) jointly developed guidelines on how to work with a sign language interpreter in high level meetings. The guidelines provide information on how to organise adequate sign language interpretation at events. Read more >

WFD & WASLI guidelines

Securing and utilizing the services of sign language interpreters for the United Nations
The World Federation for the Deaf (WFD) and World Association of Sign Language Interpreters (WASLI) have developed guidelines on how to ensure sign language interpreting services an United Nations event or other events where there are deaf participants or representatives. Read more >